The AdduXi Group is a global family-owned business. Since 1996, we have been a com­petent and reliable indus­trial partner, par­ti­cu­larly in the auto­motive industry. We accompany our cus­tomers from the deve­lo­pment of the product to the start of pro­duction. In addition to the deve­lo­pment of the optimal pro­duction process, the focus is also on cost-effec­ti­veness for the cus­tomer. Our employees provide you with their many years of know-how and expe­rience.

The high quality of our pro­ducts and the con­stant inno­vation in our pro­cesses gua­rantee a stra­tegic, future-ori­ented part­nership. We work on state-of-the-art equipment and use the latest quality and testing methods.


  • AdduXi China

    AdduXi China

    Pro­duction in China in part­nership with a Japanese company

  • AdduXi S.A.S.

    AdduXi S.A.S.

    Inau­gu­ration of pro­duction plant AdduXi III in France

  • AdduXi, Inc.

    AdduXi, Inc.

    Inau­gu­ration of sales office and pro­duction facility in Michigan, USA

  • AdduXi S.A.S.

    AdduXi S.A.S.

    Inau­gu­ration of pro­duction plant AdduXi II in France

  • AdduXi Deutschland GmbH

    AdduXi Deutschland GmbH

    Opening of a sales and deve­lo­pment office in Germany

  • AdduXi S.A.S.

    AdduXi S.A.S.

    Founded by Alain Palisse in France