Corporate Sports Event

On Saturday October 2nd, the annual AEPV cor­porate race took place around the Nantua lake. Amongst 130 com­peting teams, AdduXi regis­tered 2 teams that par­ti­ci­pated in the  4 x 5 km indi­vidual relay and the 5 km team race. This first post-Covid […]

Trade Show Dates 2020

Come visit us at the fol­lowing Trade Shows and meet the AdduXi team. We look forward to seeing you. Events: March 10–11, 2020: KPA in Ulm, Germany May 5–7, 200 | PCIM Europe in Nuremberg, Germany November 10–13, 2020 | […]


On Friday, Sep­tember 20th, 2019, the first annual ADDUXI OLYMPIADE was held — a day dedi­cated to cohesion and socia­lizing. 18 teams, each with 10 employees, faced off. On the schedule: Opening management speech, refresh­ments and com­pe­tition (archery, sack race, […]

Trade Show Dates 2019

Come visit us at the fol­lowing Trade Shows and meet the AdduXi team. We look forward to seeing you. Events: October 16–23, 2019: K in Düs­seldorf, Germany

Sport-Challenge (corporate race)

The first Cor­porate Race of the Haut-Bugey region / Pla­stics Vallée took place on 05/13/2017. AdduXi com­peted with five teams and a big fan com­munity. Along the lake of Nantua, each par­ti­cipant ran for 10 km. In the last round, […]

AdduXi China

In 1996, the AdduXi Group was created on a solid foun­dation for exports and glo­ba­lization in 1996. 20 years later, we have suc­cessfully imple­mented our so-called TRIPOD strategy. Years of careful obser­vation and ana­lysis of the wishes and expec­ta­tions of […]

20 years AdduXi

We proudly look back on our 20 year history. The com­mitted pursuit of our phi­lo­sophy — high quality, con­stant inno­vation, latest tech­nology — has made us what we are today: a suc­cessful family-run group with more than 300 employees over […]